How to review short logs and last known GPS position in GroundStation

Ground station has functionality of storing simplified (short) logs from last 7 flights. Short log is stored  in internal  flash memory and works without SD card. Each log has airplane route  shown on map page (with altitude shown as route color), as well as last known GPS coordinates of airplane.

To select particular session open map page and then select session list

From log list select  log you want to review:

After that map will show route made during selected flight.

To check last known sirplane GPS position  select proper session from list and then open session info subpage:

Session info supbpage contains last GPS corrdinates, azimuth to airplane (from base position) and distance  to airplane.

Latest informations and BETA /TEST versions 2.7x of Pitlab FPV System: OSD, Autopilot, GroundStation and Tracking antenna